Why Marijuana is BAD

I know that marijuana is legalized in some states and that a lot of people think that it’s completely harmless to use but I’m going to be super blunt and say that that is such a stupid thing to say (DO YOUR RESEARCH). Just because you can’t see the effects that it is having on someone doesn’t mean that it isn’t messing up their body, or more specifically, their brain.

* To be clear, when I speak of marijuana, I am also speaking of medical marijuana. It isn’t discluded from this. Everything that I will share applies to the use of marijuana in any form.

So what’s so wrong with marijuana?

Well, marijuana has 3 tendencies.

  1. Marijuana slows down, stops, and can even reverse the development of the central nervous system (the brain basically)
  2. The “buzz” that you feel when using marijuana can last around 2-4 hours and then the user will think that it isn’t affecting them anymore but that’s a lie. The buzz may wear off but its effects are still there. Once the weed has been used, the intoxication lasts for 24 hours. So even if the buzz is gone, you are still intoxicated for about another 20 hours! If you are one of those people who likes to hit a blunt once a day, that means that you are intoxicated literally all day long, every single day!
  3. The potency of weed is 10-13x stronger than it was back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. So the people who used during that time and think that it’s okay for people to use it today aren’t realizing that it is a lot stronger than it used to be.

While in class, my professor shared some past experiences that he has had with previous pot smokers. Because he knows the signs and characteristics of people who had (or are smoking) smoked weed, he has the ability to guess really close to the age a person started using. His biggest indicator from what he told us had a lot to do with the mental state of the person. If a person frequently used while young (before the age of 26 or before the brain finished developing), the development of the central nervous system would slow down, stop, and sometimes reverse. That means that a lot of users of marijuana are preventing themselves from ever being able to truly think like an adult meaning that they lose the ability to think and understand as they should. They can get stuck thinking like a kid or a teenager because their brain doesn’t have the chance to fully mature and develop. Now, you can stop this from happening if you quit using before your brain matures. You may not be able to completely save yourself but you can reverse the effects and improve dramatically if you just stop. Once you get close to the age of 26, you are creating irreparable, irreversible damage to your brain and you could forever be stuck with the understanding and mentality of a teenager. No one wants that. Can you imagine, never being able to fully comprehend the things other adults your age are able to understand?

This is why medical marijuana and marijuana, in general, is bad. No matter what way you take marijuana, you get the same exact effects. Just because it’s being used for medical reasons does not mean that it is safer or that you will be exempt from its side effects.

* The amount of time a person has to take marijuana before damage starts to take place is unknown because it’s  immoral to study and experiment on this issue. However, more answers will start to show up because of the legalization of its use. While more and more people are using it, we will see the results of an increase of people causing damage to their brain.


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